Submission Guidelines and Oath

Instead of requiring our artists to prove their sight loss. We rely on the trust system of an oath.

By submitting to our blog you hereby confirm you have sight loss which cannot be corrected by eyewear.

If you are unsure that your sight loss meets our requirements, send us an email regarding the details of your sight loss and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

This blog is for work by the visually impaired. If you don’t suffer from sight loss you can still contribute by spreading the word.

We are an inclusive blog but this only stretches so far. We do not accept works of hate towards other groups. No racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia. These things should go without saying.

What to submit?

Your work does not have to be sight related. There is as much creative freedom as possible, apart from the aforementioned hate above. Submit creativity you are proud to put your name next to.

Please include your name and a short bio. You may detail how you lost your sight to bring a greater understanding of your work but this is not required. A simple where you’re from will suffice. To help us promote you please include any social media @handles you use


Poetry - submit up to three poems.

Prose - submit works of fiction or creative non-fiction, articles of up to 3000 words.

Visual Art/Photography - send at least three and at max 10 pieces in common image formats (.jpeg, .png, et cetera.) - keep file sizes low enough so they can be e-mailed.

Music/Spoken Word - send SoundCloud or Bandcamp links. You can also send a live recording.


Click on the orange button below to contact us via your email client:

or manually e-mail:

Beyond SightⒸ 2022